7. Juli | Curatorial Conversation with Milica Tomić | Eine Veranstaltung des rotor

Abb.: Csaba Nemes, aus der Serie „Testimony of Democracy“, Linoldruck, 2018

Curatorial Conversation
Zu Gast: Milica Tomić
Samstag, 7. Juli 2018, um 14:00 Uhr

In the frame of the current exhibition “They shouldn’t be able to pretend they didn’t know anything” this time Milica Tomić is the dialogue partner of a „Curatorial Conversation“. The artist from Belgrade is head of the Institute of Contemporary Art (IZK) at the Graz University of Technology. In conversation with <rotor>’s staff member Anton Lederer and the audience particular exhibited works of art and relations to developments in (South-Eastern) European countries will be discussed. The conversation takes place in English language.

About MilicaTomić
She explores different genres and methods of artistic practice that centers on investigating, unearthing and bringing to public debate issues related to political violence, economic underpinnings and social amnesia. Milica Tomić is a founding member of a New Yugoslav art/theory group Grupa Spomenik; she conceived and initiated Four Faces of Omarska project and the Working Group FFO. She has participated in major international exhibitions and in numerous projects and international workshops as artist, researcher and lecturer.
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An der Ausstellung beteiligte Künstler*innen:
Lukas Beck, Babi Badalov, Petra Gerschner,
Gjorgje Jovanovik, Manaf Halbouni / OscarHR,
Martin Krenn, Cristina Lucas, Csaba Nemes,
Rena Rädle & Vladan Jeremić, RISOGRAD, Martin Zet

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im Rahmen der Ausstellung
Sie sollten nicht sagen können, sie hätten von nichts gewusst
Ausstellungsdauer: bis 4.8.2018

Öffnungszeiten: MO–FR 10:00–18:00 Uhr, SA 12:00–16:00 Uhr
An Sonn- und Feiertagen geschlossen

Dialogführungen durch die Ausstellung für Schulklassen und
andere Gruppen nach Voranmeldung: rotor@mur.at, 0316/ 688306

Freier Eintritt!


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